eIP 37: Encode Club Grant Proposal

So the grants are awarded retroactively? Just curious why 30k was asked for; where did you guys get this number?

@MasterMojo Not necessarily. However, teams that have done work in the past and fall under a future grant track will be able to apply for one. Regarding the number itself - we suggested $30k as high enough to generate interest, but also keep it reasonable since this will be the very first edition and will surely need finetuning and iteration in the future.

By successful, is there any yardstick that would make the program successful? Any criteria?

@Beckleys We believe that the engagement generated via the event, the number of teams participating and the quality of the projects will be a good barometer.

  1. Lack of clarity
    The proposer fails to explain the exact use of funds, its allocation across different bounties, who the exact forcuse group are etc. It seems the proposal dont have any idea on the specs of Bounties they want to fund.

@0xBaer Bounty types have been generally outlined in the RFC, but will be specified further if the programme is to be approved. We believe the community should be involved and have a say in these, so we’re looking forward to shaping the bounty tracks with you all. We believe that fund allocation before that does not make sense, so we’ve left this for after the bounty tracks are clear.

  1. Lack of milestone or KPIs
    The proposer fails to explain the criteria to consider the program a success. No clear milestone are described in the proposal that would keep the proposer accountable for or to know if its a success.

Repeating ourselves a bit here, but as a pilot grant programme, the goal is to maximize developer engagement and make sure the output ends up benefitting the Euler community. Encode has a proven track record of executing programmes like these and we plan to uphold our high standards for this iteration as well.

I have a strong feeling that Euler DAO is paying 30K for the marketing budgets of @encodeclub without any clear returns.

  • Euler DAO will not be paying anything to Encode Club.
  • Grant funds will be allocated, but not necessarily spent. Any unspent funds will be returned back to the DAO.
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