Euler Rewards Update


As per proposal Reward EUL (rEUL), Reward EUL (rEUL), pronounced ‘royal’, has now been deployed to mainnet and is ready to be tested with live campaigns: RewardToken | Address 0xf3e621395fc714b90da337aa9108771597b4e696 | Etherscan.

A partnership with Merkl has also been established. Vault creators can now create reward campaigns for the supply-side and borrow-side on Euler. They can even create more targeted campaigns at specific collateral-debt pairs. Check it out here: Merkl.

Finally, the Euler user interface has been updated to give users a better view of the impact of intrinsic APYs (think staking yields) and reward APY (rEUL and other rewards) on their deposits and borrows. Hovering over the APY will show a breakdown between lending APY, intrinsic APY, and rewards. Green sparkles will be used to highlight where rewards from Merkly or Reward Streams are active.

Campaign proposal

To kick-start the growth of Euler DAO, we propose to launch campaigns designed to reward depositors of key assets in Euler Prime with a reactive rewards campaign alongside providing matched rewards designed to incentivise creators of new lending products on Euler.

Reactive rewards

With support from the Euler Foundation, a test campaign has been initiated to start today (04/11/24) for USDC depositors on Euler Prime. A total of 3660 EUL tokens has been added to be distributed on a campaign lasting a period of 1 month (Merkl).

If this test campaign proves successful over the coming days and weeks, it is likely that campaigns should be extended in a reactive manner under optimistic governance to more new markets. It is unclear what the best model for Euler is today and what rewards framework will establish the best product-market fit for distributing governance. Morpho are distributing rewards far and wide on both the supply side and borrow side of most markets. Meanwhile Aave and Compound are more targeted. There is no one size fits all. The DAO should therefore be prepared to be experimental, react to the feedback it gets from the market, and rapidly double down on things that are effective.

Incentive matching

In addition to rewarding Euler Prime markets, it is important that Euler DAO fosters growth of the builder community and decentralises EUL to new user classes.

As part of this plan, projects and new market creators and curators that wish to bring incentives to certain markets should be able to propose for these incentives to be matched by rewards in rEUL.

Similarly to reactive rewards this initiative will be tested with markets managed such as Stablecoin Maxi (16.5k USD), Reserve Prime (7.8k USD) , and Euler Prime (10k USD), Apostro BTC (16.5k USD) , Swaap Lend (12.5k USD) and others for specific assets starting 05/11/2024.

We invite any projects and curators that wish for the DAO to consider incentive matching to share their ideas on the governance forum.


Currently the rewards committee is being governed by Euler Labs. This should help the DAO to move quickly to find product-market fit for rewards under optimistic governance. However, a better solution for the long-term would be for this role to be performed by token holders who put up significant stake in order to manage the direction of rewards (similar to how things are managed on other protocols). In the absence of such a mechanism, for now, we will ensure that all campaigns are published on the DAO forum to make sure the distribution plans for EUL are transparent.


Incentive Match #1 - USDC (Euler Prime) Supply : Amount = 10k USDC from Midas matched with = 3682 rEUL from Euler DAO (incl 3% Merkl fee). Duration = 1 month

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Incentive Match #2 - sUSDE (Stablecoin Maxi) Supply : Amount = 25k PYTH from Pyth matched with = 2946 rEUL from Euler DAO (incl 3% Merkl fee). Duration = 1 month (to be repeated in 1 month with equivalent PYTH amounts)

Incentive Match #3 - USDC (Swaap Lend) Supply: Amount = 4k USDC from Swaap matched with = 1473 rEUL from Euler DAO (incl 3% Merkl fee). Duration = 1 month

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Incentive Match #4 - WETH (Swaap Lend) Supply: Amount = 8k USDC from Swaap matched with = 2946 rEUL from Euler DAO (incl 3% Merkl fee). Duration = 1 month

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Euler Prime Reactive Rewards Campaign #2:

  1. USDC (Euler Prime) Borrow : Amount = 1841 rEUL (incl 3% Merkl Fee) from Euler DAO. Duration = 1 month
  2. WETH (Euler Prime) Supply : Amount = 1841 rEUL (incl 3% Merkl Fee) from Euler DAO. Duration = 1 month
  3. CBBTC (Euler Prime) Supply : Amount = 1841 rEUL (incl 3% Merkl Fee) from Euler DAO. Duration = 1 month
  4. CBBTC (Euler Prime) Borrow using LBTC (Euler Prime) as collateral : Amount = 1841 rEUL (incl 3% Merkl Fee) from Euler DAO. Duration = 1 Month
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Euler Prime Reactive Rewards Campaign #3:

  1. USDC (Euler Prime) Supply : Amount = 2713 rEUL (incl 3% Merkl Fee) from Euler DAO. Duration = 1 month
  2. WETH (Euler Prime) Supply : Amount = 2713 rEUL (incl 3% Merkl Fee) from Euler DAO. Duration = 1 month
  3. CBBTC (Euler Prime) Supply : Amount = 2713 rEUL (incl 3% Merkl Fee) from Euler DAO. Duration = 1 month
  4. WSTETH (Euler Prime) Supply : Amount = 2713 rEUL (incl 3% Merkl Fee) from Euler DAO. Duration = 1 month
  5. SUSDS (Euler Prime) Supply : Amount = 2713 rEUL (incl 3% Merkl Fee) from Euler DAO. Duration = 1 month
  6. wM (Euler Prime) Supply : Amount = 2713 rEUL (incl 3% Merkl Fee) from Euler DAO. Duration = 1 month
  7. CBETH (Euler Prime) Supply : Amount = 2713 rEUL (incl 3% Merkl Fee) from Euler DAO. Duration = 1 month
  8. WEETH (Euler Prime) Supply : Amount = 2713 rEUL (incl 3% Merkl Fee) from Euler DAO. Duration = 1 month
  9. LBTC (Euler Prime) Supply : Amount = 2713 rEUL (incl 3% Merkl Fee) from Euler DAO. Duration = 1 month
  10. TBTC (Euler Prime) Supply : Amount = 2713 rEUL (incl 3% Merkl Fee) from Euler DAO. Duration = 1 month
  11. WBTC (Euler Prime) Supply : Amount = 2713 rEUL (incl 3% Merkl Fee) from Euler DAO. Duration = 1 month
  12. USDS (Euler Prime) Supply : Amount = 2713 rEUL (incl 3% Merkl Fee) from Euler DAO. Duration = 1 month
  13. USDT (Euler Prime) Supply : Amount = 2713 rEUL (incl 3% Merkl Fee) from Euler DAO. Duration = 1 month
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Euler Prime Reactive Rewards Campaign #4:

  1. USDC (Euler Prime) Supply : Amount = 5426 rEUL (incl 3% Merkl Fee) from Euler DAO. Duration = 1 month
  2. WETH (Euler Prime) Supply : Amount = 5426 rEUL (incl 3% Merkl Fee) from Euler DAO. Duration = 1 month
  3. CBBTC (Euler Prime) Supply : Amount = 5426 rEUL (incl 3% Merkl Fee) from Euler DAO. Duration = 1 month
  4. LBTC (Euler Prime) Supply : Amount = 5426 rEUL (incl 3% Merkl Fee) from Euler DAO. Duration = 1 month
  5. WBTC (Euler Prime) Supply : Amount = 10852 rEUL (incl 3% Merkl Fee) from Euler DAO. Duration = 1 month

Incentive Match #5 - CBBTC (Apostro BTC Cluster) Supply: Amount = 25k PYTH from Pyth matched with = 2713 rEUL from Euler DAO (incl 3% Merkl fee). Duration = 1 month

Incentive Match #6 - WBTC (Apostro BTC Cluster) Supply: Amount = 25k PYTH from Pyth matched with = 2713 rEUL from Euler DAO (incl 3% Merkl fee). Duration = 1 month

Euler Prime Reactive Rewards Campaign #5:

  1. USDC (Euler Prime) Supply : Amount = 2713 rEUL (incl 3% Merkl Fee) from Euler DAO. Duration = 1 month
  2. CBBTC (Euler Prime) Supply : Amount = 2713 rEUL (incl 3% Merkl Fee) from Euler DAO. Duration = 1 month
    3.LBTC (Euler Prime) Supply : Amount = 2713 rEUL (incl 3% Merkl Fee) from Euler DAO. Duration = 1 month
  3. SUSDS (Euler Prime) Supply : Amount = 2713 rEUL (incl 3% Merkl Fee) from Euler DAO. Duration = 1 month

Incentive Match #7

  • WETH (Reserve Prime Cluster) Supply: Amount = 1667 eUSD from Reserve matched with = 452 rEUL from Euler DAO (incl 3% Merkl fee). Duration = 1 month
  • eUSD (Reserve Prime Cluster) Supply: Amount = 3333 eUSD from Reserve matched with = 904 rEUL from Euler DAO (incl 3% Merkl fee). Duration = 1 month
  • eUSD (Reserve Prime Cluster) borrow: Amount = 1333 eUSD from Reserve matched with = 362 rEUL from Euler DAO (incl 3% Merkl fee). Duration = 1 month
  • ETH+ (Reserve Prime Cluster) Supply: Amount = 720 eUSD from Reserve matched with = 225 rEUL from Euler DAO (incl 3% Merkl fee). Duration = 1 month
  • USD3 (Reserve Prime Cluster) Supply: Amount = 720 eUSD from Reserve matched with = 225 rEUL from Euler DAO (incl 3% Merkl fee). Duration = 1 month
  • WETH (Reserve Prime Cluster) borrow: Amount = 667 eUSD from Reserve matched with = 225 rEUL from Euler DAO (incl 3% Merkl fee). Duration = 1 month

Thank you so much for the efforts preparing the records of reward distribution.

I understand that the rEUL reward distribution is managed by the reward committee which is now run by Euler Labs. May I know if there is any plan in the near future to hold an election or open application to call for delegates with experience in managing similar programs in other protocols to join the committee and contribute?

May i further ask if any change there is a google sheet or dune dashboard for the users to track the historical rewards and maybe be informed of the upcoming rewards?

Thanks again.

Euler Prime Reactive Rewards Campaign #5:

WETH (Euler Prime) Supply : Amount = 5155 rEUL (incl 3% Merkl Fee) from Euler DAO. Duration = 1 month