[RFC] Tali AI - Community & Developer Support bot

Title: [RFC] Tali AI - Community & Developer Support bot
Author(s): Tenzin Rose, Ali Agha
Submission Date: 6/2/23

Simple Summary
We are proposing to develop a Discord bot + Docs widget for Euler Finance using Large Language Models (LLMs), to enhance the Community and Developer experiences within the Euler Finance ecosystem.

This proposal involves the creation of a bot or widget that interconnects Euler Finance’s Github repositories, documentation, related articles, and Discord Q&A history. This will provide a platform for users to ask questions in natural language. By reducing support hours on Discord and quickening responses to frequently asked questions, the proposal aims to streamline user interaction and improve support team efficiency. This project is backed by a grant from the Solana Foundation and aims to contribute positively to the Solana ecosystem as a whole.


The primary motivation behind this proposal is to reduce the burden on support teams and enhance user interaction by providing instant responses to user queries. In the Web3 space, the presence of active and responsive community support is essential for the success of a project. Our proposal addresses this need, leading to an improved stakeholder/token holder experience and better protocol performance.

Specification/Body Text

Our team consists of technologist and entrepreneur Ali Agha and entrepreneur and full-stack developer Tenzin Rose, both of whom have a rich background in decentralized solutions and web development. You can check their previous work on Github Ali Agha’s Github, Tenzin Rose’s Github.

Currently, support teams face a high volume of queries daily, leading to extended support hours and delayed response times. Our proposal addresses this issue by developing a bot or widget capable of answering previously asked questions.

We aim to implement this project in two main milestones spread over six weeks: the implementation of data sources and testing/optimization. The bot or widget will be developed using technologies like OpenAI, Llama Index, Digital Ocean, Deeplake, Cohere, NextJS, and Vercel.

We request a $5,000 USD grant for the development and maintenance of the bot. This will benefit Euler Finance by reducing support hours, improving response times, and ultimately, enhancing user satisfaction and engagement.

The success of this grant will be evaluated by the reduction in support hours, improved response times, and positive user feedback.

Next steps

Following the approval of this proposal, we will begin the initial stage of collaborating with the DevRel and Community Support teams to identify their needs and pain points.

Relevant Links

Website: https://trytali.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TryTaliAI

Pros and Cons of This Proposal


  • Reduced support hours on Discord.
  • Quickened responses to FAQs.
  • Streamlined user interaction and improved user experience.


  • Potential bugs such as hallucinations and mismatches on query/documents in the development phase.

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