Announcement of Contractual Engagements

From: The Euler Foundation
To: The Euler Community

The Euler Foundation would like to brief the community on the following two engagements.

The Euler Foundation has retained the services of StableLab Pte Ltd (Singapore) to facilitate governance for EulerDAO. StableLab has emerged as a leader in a new class of professionalised governance services, while staying true to the core principles of decentralisation, openness, and transparency that the community so deeply values. By mid-year 2023, EulerDAO will be able to review the performance, comment, and vote to renew the contract.

Furthermore, The Euler Foundation has contracted Autonomous Limited for professional services, covering a range of offerings, including governance, project management, finance, etc. Autonomous will provide The Euler Foundation with top-tier, high-touch service, performed by a team of crypto-native professionals with institutional experience.

Thank you,

The Euler Foundation